Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Training fasted

This looks interesting.

Does Training Fasted make you fast?

Does anyone have access to the full article?


Anonymous said...

Essentially it considers the concept that the whole idea of training is causing less homeostatic shift through exercise, allowing you to push harder.
If you don't cause the shift, the body has no point in adapting. Hence, it suggests that taking carbs during training (which they agree improves performance) would not allow that shift, so you adapt less.

But then, they go on to talk of two studies that show the contrary. So the answer to the titular question seems to be a no.

L. Wu said...

There's only one page left not in the preview.

"Although these studies are valuable, we need to question how
relevant they are to the real world since no one, especially
athletes, is likely to start a training bout, or indeed a race, in
the overnight-fasted state. In addition, both the Akerstrom
et al. (1) and the De Bock et al. (3) studies used active but
not specifically endurance-trained participants. This is an
entirely reasonable approach since greater changes are observed during a training program in relatively untrained than endurance-trained individuals. However, these results may not be applicable to endurance-trained athletes. In addition,
there is a need to conduct similar studies in females, especially as females have been shown to have less activation of AMPK during exercise than males...

...Rather than CHO ingestion having a negative effect on training adaptations, it is possible that the opposite may actually occur in the real world..."

PS have you read the new _Born to Run_?
