Wednesday, March 3, 2010

ketogenic diet plus weight training

So, it seems (for overweight women)

  • Resistance exercise in combination with a ketogenic diet reduces body fat without significantly changing Lean body mass (LBM)
  • Resistance exercise on a regular diet may increase LBM without significantly affecting fat mass.
So to lose fat and maintain muscle do weights on a low carb diet?

The full text is available:

Resistance training in overweight women on a ketogenic diet conserved lean body mass while reducing body fat


John Sifferman said...

Tom Venuto has a new program that goes into a little more detail in this area (the first of its kind, to my knowledge). More specifically, it's about the scientific reasoning for how to build muscle and lose fat at the same time. Carb cycling is a big part of it, but not the only aspect. It has more to do with within-day energy balance and nutrient timing than strict carbohydrate intake.

Veronica said...

I did! :-)

On a ketogenic diet, your body pretty much has to rely on your fat stores for fuel and if you're weight training your body will have to build muscle to adapt to the stress of exercise. Sounds like you'd be losing fat while gaining muscle to me. So why carb cyle?

donny said...

Carbs are a good energy source for storing protein or fat. Once you're nutrient timing, aren't you logically out of the realm of within-day energy balance as the important factor? Energy used to store protein is no longer available to store fat. The widely held belief in nutrient-partitioning is at odds with simple calorie intake being a decisive factor in body fat.

"The energy cost of fat and protein deposition in the rat"

might be a study worth googling. I'd post the link, but it's a cambridge journal article, the links never work with them.
4. The amounts of ME required to deposit I kJ of protein and I kJ of fat respectively were
shown by regression analysis to be 2 . z ~(f o.16) and 1.36 (k0.06) kJ respectively. These
values agree extremely closely with recent, more tentative, estimates based on assumptions as
to maintenance requirement which the present experiments were able to circumvent. It may
be concluded with confidence that the energy costs of depositing I g of protein or fat are almost
identical at 53 kJ ME/g.

Bone is similarly expensive to deposit.

KetoSiska said...

It may be hard to start and get used to ketogenic nutrition, but at the end, most of the people eventually see the benefits of this diet. I know many people who successfully applied this diet in conditions like epilepsy, but some also find it effective in weight loss.

Anonymous said...

This is not true,

I was on a ketogenic diet for 12 months and intense weight training, I put on massive muscle mass...

My weight remained the same even though I lost a significant amount of fat...

I am now back on the program and since I need to seriously cut, I am cutting down on the weight training and increasing hiit