Friday, December 9, 2011

Intermittent, Low-Carbohydrate Diets More Successful Than Standard Dieting

I saw that Jamie ( that paleo guy) had pointed to this study via Twitter

Intermittent, Low-Carbohydrate Diets More Successful Than Standard Dieting

They randomly assigned patients to one of the following diets: a calorie-restricted, low-carbohydrate diet for two days per week; an "ad lib" low-carbohydrate diet in which patients were permitted to eat unlimited protein and healthy fats, such as lean meats, olives and nuts, also for two days per week; and a standard, calorie-restricted daily Mediterranean diet for seven days per week.

Data revealed that both intermittent, low-carbohydrate diets were superior to the standard, daily Mediterranean diet in reducing weight, body fat and insulin resistance. Mean reduction in weight and body fat was roughly 4 kilograms (about 9 pounds) with the intermittent approaches compared with 2.4 kilograms (about 5 pounds) with the standard dietary approach. Insulin resistance reduced by 22 percent with the restricted low-carbohydrate diet and by 14 percent with the "ad lib" low-carbohydrate diet compared with 4 percent with the standard Mediterranean diet.

"It is interesting that the diet that only restricts carbohydrates but allows protein and fats is as effective as the calorie-restricted, low-carbohydrate diet," Harvie said.

This is interesting given some of the material I've had on here before about using a ketogenic diet or intermittent fasting approach to treat cancer


G said...

Great post! Jamie is a PUBMED FIEND!!

In Frasetto's paleo study which was high carb paleo 200-225g carb/day, the reduction of HOMA (e.g. insulin resistance) was 72% in only ~7-10 days. Can you imagine if it was intermittent LC or LC???


Chris Robbins said...

From the doctor's website:

"The intermittent diet provided the women with 650 calories (kcal) in the form of two pints of semi-skimmed milk, four portions of vegetables (80g/portion), one portion of fruit, a salty low calorie drink and a multivitamin and mineral supplement."

Chris Robbins said...

Even more detailed:

Breakfast: Fruit tea and a banana, or mug of milky coffee

Mid-morning: Can of diet cola, or cup of tea and plum

Lunch: Carrot and coriander soup and half-pint of milk, or salad, glass of squash and half-pint of milk

Mid-afternoon: Glass of squash, or glass of sparkling water and satsuma

Dinner: Soy sauce and ginger stir-fry with two vegetables and glass of water, or vegetable curry with
two veg, half-pint of milk and
cup of tea

Supper: Pint of milk, or hot milk with cinnamon and sweetners

Patrick Forge said...

I agree that a keto diet can be useful, the main problem I have found with clients is that their version of a keto diet is very different to a medical professionals. They think its an excuse to eat as much saturated fat as they can and still lose weight. The medical implications from this study do prove interesting.

However when training and implementing a keto diet I find that it can have a severe effect on my training and mood.

Anonymous said...

The reason the low carb diet results in more weight loss and a greater decrease in insulin resistance is because it allows for greater calorie restriction.

Anonymous said...

And let's be honest, the calorie restricted "low-carb" diet & the ad-lib low-carb diet aren't really low carb diets since they can eat whatever they want the other 5 days of the week. So while there are low carb days I wouldn't equate that to low carb dieting. It's more like the maintaining phase of the Dukan Diet.

low carb recipes said...

I have been on a low carb diet and have lost 47 lbs in 4 month with ease, no extra working out. just the diet change.

Anonymous said...

Is this two consecutiv­e days, or two days separated by 'normal' eating ?

Anonymous said...

Hy everyone. I'd like to know if those two days must be consecutive days or alternate days. tks!