Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Congruent Exercise - Wisdom from Bill DeSimone 1

I have been meaning to write a long review of Bill's book - Congruent Exercise (now on Amazon).  I have already done something short, but it deserves something longer and more detailed.  However I am struggling for time at the moment. 

What I might do is a series of short posts.  Pulling out some of the profound wisdom from the book.  However, I'd still recommend that you buy and read the thing, both to support Bill and to make your training safer and more effective.  It is certainly something that I have tried to apply in my book Hillfit on fitness training for hiking.

Summary of the introduction

The book is about delivering the benefits of weight-training without the risk of ether acute or chronic injury.  This risk can be minimised by applying the most appropriate joint movements, posture and leverage (moment arm) in other words, biomechanics.  This approach is not specific to any equipment - it is a filter through which to shape exercise with bodyweight, free weights or machines.

Quote from Bill:

The one constant is your body and biomechanics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have both this book and Bill's other book "Moment Arm Exercise". I pace trhem both in the top 5 of things that I have ever read in the field of training and fitness. At the age of 45 and with a few injuries behind me,I am reminded of how relevant the logic behind this book is every time I wake up in the morning with aches and pains.