Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Big Jump

I haven't posted a big jump no here for a while.  How about this one:


williebr said...

That IS very impressive. However, he got his heels up the height off his butt to clear that, so, he only moved his center of gravity 60" - about 1/2 height (36" if he's 6'2").

Kind of like box jumps, people post 60" box jumps, but they only move their center of gravity 30" because the land in a full squat.

stekome said...

http://kratosellas.blogspot.com online-sport,video,news,foto http://kratosellas.blogspot.com

stekome said...

http://kratosellas.blogspot.com online-sport,video,news,foto http://kratosellas.blogspot.com

stekome said...

http://kratosellas.blogspot.com online-sport,video,news,foto http://kratosellas.blogspot.com

stekome said...

http://kratosellas.blogspot.com online-sport,video,news,foto http://kratosellas.blogspot.com

stekome said...

http://kratosellas.blogspot.com online-sport,video,news,foto http://kratosellas.blogspot.com

stekome said...

http://kratosellas.blogspot.com online-sport,video,news,foto http://kratosellas.blogspot.com

stekome said...

http://kratosellas.blogspot.com online-sport,video,news,foto http://kratosellas.blogspot.com

stekome said...

http://kratosellas.blogspot.com online-sport,video,news,foto http://kratosellas.blogspot.com

Tom said...

That's pretty impressive.

generic alprazolam said...

Yes, but I will be stronger!