Saturday, September 4, 2010

Sleep in the dark

I've mentioned this before - the importance of sleeping in the dark to our health.

Here is more on the same idea:

Artificial Light Suppresses Melatonin, Boosts Cancer

University of Haifa researchers found evidence that Light At Night (LAN) has harmful health effects. Bright city lights might boost your risks of cancer by suppressing melatonin production.

Update - Michael has more on this here.


Chris D said...

This study does not highlight the importance of sleeping in the dark at all.

Lately this blog has been drawing some rash conclusions.

Rather it suggests that those who live in areas where they are exposed to lighting after the sun goes down should supplement with melatonin.

Chris said... calm down a bit there.

Think about that a bit more...extrapolate, get creative. Why supplement with melatonin if you could allow the body to produce melatonin by well, maybe sleeping in the dark, i.e. avoiding artificial light at night?

What is rash about that thinking?

What other examples of rash conclusions are you referring to?

Mike said...

I, and others, appreciate the time and effort you put in posting interesting studies, Chris. This is one of my top-five "to-to" blogs for health/longevity/performance related science. Keep it up, and pay no attention to the folks that haven't gotten enough sleep. :)

Anonymous said...

What I've never found out is how does the light 'get into' a person. Is it through the eyes (thus cover the eyes at night) or through the skin (in which case total darkness in the room is necessary). Or - boggle - through something else?
Anyone know?