Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tim Ferriss on "The 4-Hour Body"

Love him or hate him?


Buzzer said...

I liked the presentation. Getting the book now.

He's a master of marketing for sure.

Anonymous said...

He might be a good business man, but Ferriss is still a douche.

Luptin Pitman said...

Yep, I'm going with douche also. Made a smidgen of sense here and there (I listened to his audiobook) but I'd call him the Deepak Chopra of fitness and nutrition. Spouting technical and scientific jargon and concepts in an attempt to sound authoritative is still gibberish no matter how many dangerous things you do to your body or how many people you know that banged Nina Hartley...

Anonymous said...

Don't love him or hate him. Just ignore him.

Joe said...

Bought his book at Half-price books and I started following his advice on working your abs...I've only been doing it for about a week, but his advice seems spot on. I can notice a real difference. Whether I will ever get a six-pack is another story, but his ab advice seems pretty good.

Alex said...

Hate. He's a twat.

Moran Bentzur said...

"Love him or hate him?"
Can't make up my mind on this. His science is off many times, and at times he definitely has a douchey smirk. but I still watch and read his stuff.

WISPR said...

Fine video is sharing all about the Tim Ferriss on "The 4-Hour Body". It also at the next corner. It consists of interesting things about fitness, strength, diet and performance.

John Sifferman said...

He's definitely a great marketer. I'll give him that. But I wouldn't go to him for any health or fitness advice, and I won't be wasting the next 35 minutes listening to him either. I've heard enough.

Edward Edmonds said...

It's beyond me why people like to demonize guys like Tim. He did a lot of self-experimentation and marketed himself and apparently it's working for other people. So why is that a bad thing? Phrases like "his science is off" are really frustrating because science isn't in a vacuum. Science is all about exploring whether you use it for personal or monetary gain. So what if you don't like his personality. I like curious people even if they seem like twats because they are willing to do some exploring.