Barry Groves has put up an interesting new article
Unhealthy dogma means unhealthy food: Milk and dairy produce is thought to cause cancer and other diseases. But it is only low-fat dairy which does; full-cream dairy actually protects us.
Today, it is increasingly difficult to buy fresh, wholesome food. What used to be healthy, no longer is. There are many examples: Meat is so lean today that Mrs. Beeton would regard it as being of very poor quality indeed. I normally buy meat straight from the farmer, but recently I tried some beef that I bought from a supermarket; it was dry, tasteless and tough. That doesn’t make it unhealthy, necessarily, but other changes brought about by ‘healthy’ dogma do. There are so many such examples that I’ll just give one in detail: modern milk
I have been thinking a bit about milk recently after a couple of other posts on blogs:
- Why going ‘dairy free’ may bring relief to kids who stop breathing in the night
- Book Review - Devil in the Milk
Milk is not in the normal "paleo" diet, but I find it hard to give up.
There's also an interesting study associating low-fat dairy with decreased (anovulatory) fertility, and high fat dairy with increased fertility. The study is here:
I'm all for dairy fat. Skimming and trimming and changing foods is coming back to haunt us.
Is there evidence that our paleo ancestors didn't consume (non-human) dairy? I know some modern HG tribes consume large quantities of it.
Food Is Love
I eat homemade yogurt made from whole goat's milk. As much as I follow a paleo diet, I cannot give this up. I'm all for 'whole' foods and think milk should remain full-fat. I also think we should go back to non-homogenized cow's milk. The only reason we homogenize it is so that it 'looks' good. Next thing you know, we'll be adding food coloring to milk so that it 'looks' good.
Thanks Chainey.
(by the way - do you know Billy?)
thanks for the comment. Just had a look at your blog - really good stuff
Chainey - your blog has disappeared?
I went to a new health food store here and was happy to find "raw butter". It had a big label on it "for pet consumption only"
So did the raw milk and yogurt and cheese. All of it was even in a separate cooler.
My cat and I are going to eat so well this weekend ;-)
Thanks, Chris! I like your blog too.
Marc, what state is that in? We've gotten spoiled here in WA where it's legal for stores to sell raw milk. If I lived in a state where raw dairy had to be labeled "for pet consumption only" I probably wouldn't be able to resist wearing cat ears to the grocery store.
Food Is Love
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