Thursday, June 19, 2008

Plate twisting

There was a post a little while ago - which led to some debate in the comments - about the full contact twist and then alternatives to it.

Here is another alternative from Will Heffernan.

Plate Twisting
This is the first time James had done this exercise and he didn't do a bad job at all. You should try it...I like this exercise for a lot of sort of combines a 'wall sit' without the wall...I like the resisted is a great way to load the trunk. We pull the shoulders blades back and down and keep a good tight lower back arch.
As the athletes get better we both increase the loading and hold the plate further from the body...try it and tell me what you think.

Single Sided

Double Sided


Dan Hubbard, M.Ed. said...

The spinal rotation/stabization is a good debate. I agree with the previous anon posting on this topic; how much rotation do you need? Also, should we train stability and anti-rotation before introducing loaded and/or explosive concentric-eccentric twisting? Many people see an exercise and feel they need to add it to their training without much regard for the bigger picture.

As far as this exercise goes, the idea of combining hip motion (extension) with twisting may more closely train motor patterns in sports. However, how much spinal rotation do we need? Is it better to modify sport movements (i.e. golf swing) to incorporate more hip/shoulder movement and less spine rotation. Should we spend more time enhancing scapulo-humoral and hip mobility than incorporating resisted twisting motions? What do you think?

Chris said...

Some good points there Dan. I haven't settled on a view on these matters.

One thing that I think needs to be borne in mind is that while I have posted this video as a stand alone move it will be part of a sports specific training routine that the coach - Will Hefferenan - has designed for this particular athlete and for his needs.

You are right that we need to reflect on the bigger picture and what an individual needs for their sport.

That being said, for the average individual training to "keep fit" I think that an unloaded version of this move or of another twist would often be useful as a mobility move as much as anything.