Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wholegrains and cancer

This is an interesting one - and the whole paper is available.

Intake of wholegrain products and risk of colorectal cancers in the Diet, Cancer and Health cohort study

Take a look through and see what you think, but at first glance it seems that (at least for women) there is no justification to saying that eating whole grains gives a better chance of avoiding gut cancer. Even for men the effect seems limited and there look to be a few confounding variables.

It might just be me or maybe the hype about wholegrains continues to be unjustified.


Anonymous said...

Very nice find Chris. Looking just quickly at the tables, the women have both crude & adjusted IRR's well over 1.0 is many cases. As do the men when you look at some of the higher intakes.

If the authors are going to say that WG intake may be mildly protective against these forms of cancer based on these numbers, they should also be stating that WG intake appears to be a risk factor for causing the same cancers in women. I see they weren't quite brace enough to take that step.

Chris said...

thanks for the comment Jamie. There is a lot of interesting stuff in that study. I like that though - whole grains are a risk for cancer

Chris said...

Just discussing this with my immunologist girlfriend. She thinks the study is really dodgy - everything is so marginal.

SafeNSharp said...

" first glance it seems that (at least for women) there is no justification to saying that eating whole grains gives a better chance of avoiding gut cancer."

Unless your are ADM or Cargill. Then you have all the ju$$$tification you need.