Friday, February 25, 2011

More Hillfit thoughts

Here is some of my current thinking:

A template – the Hillfit Paradigm

There is science behind what I will recommend, but science is fickle – the same data can often be read differently depending on the presumptions of the scientist. You need a paradigm under which to view the data, a lens to give some sense to what you see. I’ll be discussing through my own template. “Hillfit” is essential, foundational and functional.

Essential – we are looking at efficiency and economy. Getting the most effect from a minimum investment of time and effort. It is Lighten up all over again!

Foundational – coming back to basics about what is natural? What are we built for? How were we designed to move? There is a lot to learn here and modern fitness prescriptions - uniform and regimented - are often “unnatural” from the perspective of our ancestors who randomly would walk or run but not jog.

Functional – Training is not an end in itself. It should facilitate FUN! My ideas might make you stronger or increase metabolic conditioning, but you need to apply that capacity to your skill. You need to walk, to climb. It is not about the time in the gym but the time on the hill.

My thoughts and writings are being shaped by:


Asclepius said...

Hi Chris - I have been thinking about some of these themes myself recently and reading your post, something jumped out at me.

You mention the lack of 'regimentation and uniformity' in the activity patterns of our ancestors. But then the question arises, can we define a "minimum investment of time and effort" from which we get the most gain?

I mean if the body adapts to 'chaotic' (albeit 'fractal')physical demands upon it, perhaps the minimum investiment of time and effort is by definition some short & hard sessions, some long & hard sessions, some short & easy sessions and some long & easy sessions.

In this context perhaps emphasis on 'challenge' and play are the most important considerations as these extremes contain the information required for the body to adapt?

I hope that all makes some kind of sense!

Looking forwards to your full article.

Chris said...

Thanks for the comment. You and I have been reading the same stuff and doing similar experiments for years, so I know where you are coming from.

It is interesting stuff. I suppose I would first of all preface that stuff above by noting that it is part of a first draft of an article for TGO where I will be trying to set the scene philosophically for practical ones to follow. A real difficult thing is to be concise without oversimplifying. The first one I did reads like the daily mail which is not what want.

In terms of the substance of your comment-I see your point. Have you read taleb's piece on walking? I think there are some of the same ideas.

I want to keep the hard sessions to a minimum. Leaving room for lots of easy skill development. And fun.

Rod said...

Chris,what about mental fitness and the phsycology of moving over terrain,sometimes challenging,for extended periods of time,often complicated by variables such as weather and poor desicions.How do you teach people to suffer with a smile(equanimity)?These skills are transferable to everyday life and are often the subtle transformations that people bring back from the hills and dont quite know what has happened but we are somehow better than before we went.