Saturday, December 31, 2011

To sleep perchance.....

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praguestepchild said...

"You must sleep sometime between lunch and dinner, and no halfway measures. Take off your clothes and get into bed. That's what I always do. Don't think you will be doing less work because you sleep during the day. That's a foolish notion held by people who have no imaginations. You will be able to accomplish more. You get two days in one -- well, at least one and a half"

-Winston Churchill

Bill DeSimone said...

Chris,these are great...posters? graphics? screensavers? what are they exactly?

Chris said...

Hi Bill

Not sure what they are. Infographics I am told. There are lots of them at

Andy Schneit said...

Sleep -- one more marvelous thing that's free, along with drinking enough water, taking walks and BW exercise.

I know that there are people with disorders that affect sleep, but, IMHO, the majority of sleep-deprived people have it within their control.

Thanks for the informative posts, Chris.

Sleep Problems said...

Ambien pill is a sleep medication chemically unrelated to classical benzodiazepines but has demonstrated relatively high affinity binding to the alpha receptor. Ambien pill is indicated for the treatment of insomnia. Until you know how it will affect you, you shouldn't drive or operate machinery. If you have problems sleeping and wish to try natural options, this can help in a great way.