Sunday, March 4, 2012

Chins in a silly place

you sort of get the impression that these guys must be drunk?

Thanks to James Steele


Chuck said...

OMFG! I have a tough time watching that. My hands are sweaty. That is NUTS!

marie said...

No, not drunk...Greek. I thought it beautifully ironic that while showing a wall-to-wall city scape, the song ends with the words "return to nature".

alexleejohnson1000 said...

These guys are obviously not climbers (based on attire and pull up prowess) so like Chuck, this gave me the willies. Just seemed like a train wreck waiting to happen.

alexleejohnson1000 said...

...the point being that when you see climbers doing crazy shit you know they have the strength and the stones to pull it off.

Thomas said...

In the U.S., we'd call that "chins in a stupid and dangerous place".