Tim Egerton of Sprint Strong, had pointed to this video and noted:
Interestingly, a new technique seems to be adopted here whereby he performed a 'pre-lift' before his actual attempt at performing the Snatch. This is legal so long as the bar does not break the line of the knees. I expect this 'pre-lift' will have provided a slight potentiation effect.
Is anyone aware of this technique having been adopted previously? I wonder if it will become commonplace now.
Congrats to him. Iran is a powerhouse in weighlifting
Antonio Krastev snatched more than that 3 times in IWF competition.
Scott - in that weight class?
Poor Hripsime Khurshudyan, I was watching with my fiance and her Mum; they were quite enjoying it until that point.
Hope she has a speedy recover, I'm not sure I'd be able to come back from that, psychologically.
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