Monday, December 5, 2011

Physical Fitness, Physical Activity and Low Back Pain.

This one drew my attention, given my history of low back problems (which recently have resolved with the help of Colin Gordon, the MWOD, lots of planks and efforts to reduce my stress).  In any case, the point of this study is that while physcial activity can prevent or reduce back pain.....physical fitness is more potent.

So it is potentially a question of intensity.  It is not just doing things, moving the body, physical activity.  More important is focussed intentional activity that improves fitness.  Proper exercise if you like.   Don't just move...get fit.

Physical fitness, rather than self-reported physical activities, is more strongly associated with low back pain: evidence from a working population.

These findings suggest that physical activity of an intensity that improves physical fitness may be important in the prevention of LBP.

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